Super Onze

Super Onze (2008)

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O personagem principal, Mamoru Endou (no Brasil Satoru Endo), é um talentoso goleiro e neto de um dos maiores goleiros do Japão Daisuke Endo, que morreu antes de ele nascer. Mesmo que suas habilidades sendo incríveis sua escola carece de um clube de futebol de verdade, porque os 6 outros membros não parecem muito interessados em sua formação. Mas assim que o atacante misterioso Shuya Gouenji muda para escola de Endo, o jovem goleiro pretende encontrar e recrutar membros para sua equipe de futebol. Há cerca de 1000 personagens com habilidades diferentes que irão determinar o sucesso da equipe. Online

  • Episódios
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Yuki Kaji

Yuki Kaji

Kazuya Ichinose / Akio Fudou (voice), Minamisawa Atsushi (voice)
Haruka Tomatsu

Haruka Tomatsu

Kudou Fuyuka (voice), Nishizono Shinsuke (voice)
Junko Takeuchi

Junko Takeuchi

Endou Mamoru (voice)
Hirofumi Nojima

Hirofumi Nojima

Shuuya Gouenji (voice)
Hiroyuki Yoshino

Hiroyuki Yoshino

Yuuto Kidou (voice)
Yuka Terasaki

Yuka Terasaki

Matsukaze Tenma (voice)
Takashi Ohara

Takashi Ohara

Tsurugi Kyousuke (voice)
Mitsuki Saiga

Mitsuki Saiga

Shindou Takuto (voice)
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1 - Vamos Jogar Bola!

Satoru Endo, neto de um famoso goleiro, tenta formar um time de futebol na escola para enfrentar uma equipe rival.

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2 - O Instituto Imperial!

Raimon tem seu primeiro grande desafio: derrotar o Instituto Imperial, que tem jogadores muito velozes. Endo e seus amigos tem que dar o melhor de si mesmos, se querem ganhar a partida.

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3 - Uma Nova Técnica Especial!

Someoka está deprimido porque não conseguir fazer um gol. Então começa a prática uma nova técnica para melhorar suas habilidades como jogador. O Instituto Raimon espera um desafio muito especial.

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4 - Here Comes the Dragon!

The match against Occult is about to start! But before that, Gouenji joins the team and Someoka is irritated by it. During the match, the members are having trouble deciding which forward to pass to and the team is falling apart. Will they be able to make a comeback in time before the match is over?

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5 - Onde Está o Manual Secreto?

Raimon tem a oportunidade de competir no futebol fronteira. Endo e seus amigos descobrem uma lenda, o avô de Endo deixou um livro com técnicas secretas. Quem tenha essas habilidades será invencível.

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6 - O Gol Relâmpago!

Começa a primeira partida no torneio futebol fronteira. O time rival de Raimon tem uma habilidade especial, eles pulam muito alto.

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7 - O Desafio de Kazenji!

Raimon está com problemas. A escola cinza tem uma estranha estratégia: espia e clona as técnicas dos rivais. Nossos heróis tem apenas uma maneira de ganhar.

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8 - O Terrivel Futebol Androide!

Its another big game for Raimon, against the cyborgs of Mikage Sennou.

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9 - O Valor de Quatro Olhos!

Gouenji is injured and out of Raimons next game, but their opponents are the weakest team in the whole tournament, so winning shouldnt be a problem. Endou and his team doesnt know much about their next opponent so they go to a maid cafe to know about their team.

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10 - O Espião do Instituto Imperial!

Raimon Junior High is looking stronger than ever, but so are the forces against them. But so desperate are their enemies to stop them from succeeding at any cost, they cross the line and unwittingly expose themselves!

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11 - Procurem um Novo Treinador!

The big game against Teikoku is only a few days away, but unless Raimon can find a new coach then theyre out without even setting foot on the field! The whole team is looking high and low, will they find one or not?

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12 - A Final Contra o Instituto Imperial - 1ª parte!

Raimon arrive at Teikoku Academy for the biggest game of their lives, but before they can begin they have to dispel the cloud of suspicion hanging over the place. Kageyama has set some kind of trap, he has secretly losen the roof of the stadium but Kidou knows it. He tells it to Endou who believes him and gets his team safe when the match starts. Raimon thanks Kidou for his help and they play the finals in a fair manner. Will Endou and his team will be able to win this match?

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13 - A Final Contra o Instituto Imperial - 2ª parte!

With Kageyama safely shut away, the game against Teikoku has properly begun, and its a real game this time. Whoever wins this comes out on top. But with the story about Kidou and Haruna in his head, will Endou hesitate on winning the game?

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14 - Os Lendários Super Onze!

Raimon still cant believe they beat Teikoku and are the new District Champion. After the celebratory dust settles, a mysterious figure walks into Hibikis ramen bar. Is he really from the legendary Inazuma Eleven? Coach Hibiki decides to revive back the legendary Inazuma Eleven and calls for a practice match between The Inazuma Eleven and the Raimon Junior High. There the Inazuma Eleven shows the Raimon Junior High some new hissatu techniques and Raimon were able to perfect the Honoo no Kazamidori.

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15 - O Campeonato Nacional!!

Raimon have set their sights on the Nationals Tournament and theyre determined to win it. Theyre working hard to get there, but there are lots of obstacles - first theres the threat to their precious clubhouse but Endou is able to save it. Secondly, there is a possibility that Kazemaru might leave the team after meeting up once more Miyasaka Ryou and his other friends of Raimons Atheletics Club. Will his passion for soccer make him remain in the team?

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16 - Derrote o Futebol Ninja!!

With Kazemaru still on the team, for now, Raimon can move forward and concentrate on the Nationals. And theyll need to - their first game is against the speedy Sengoku Igajima Junior High. If they dont win this, the dream is over before its even begun!

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17 - A Decisão de Kido!

The narrow victory over Sengoku Igajima has given Raimon confidence, but on the other side of the tournament, everyone is shock at Teikokus complete defeat at the hands of Zeus Junior High, which is 10-0.What should Kidou do? If Raimon wants to beat them, theyll need to train even harder, and maybe even recruit new members!

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18 - Destruam Esse Muro de Aço!

With their firepower boosted by the addition of Kidou Yuuto, the team are ready to tackle Senbayama Junior High and their unbreakable defense. But unless they get their pass coordinated, all their hard work will come to nothing! Will they able to break the iron defense?

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19 - A Volta de um Jogador Talentoso!

Ichinose Kazuya is back! Like a phoenix he has risen from the ashes and come back to visit his old friends. Just in time too, Raimon is desperate for some new moves, and the Tri-Pegasus is just what they need. But can they perfect it in time?

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20 - A Técnica Especial Triangulo Z!

Raimon are getting ready to play their next big opponent - Kidokawa Seishuu , which just happens to be Gouenjis old school. Certain members of that team still carry a grudge against him and will stop at nothing to get their revenge. This results into a practice match with the Mukata triplets vs. Endou. Unfortunately, Endou doesnt stand a chance against Triangle Z ! Will Raimon lose at this rate?

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21 - O Confronto Com o Colégio Kidokawa Seishuu!!

The Mukata triplets and their grudge are dominating Raimon at every turn, but they need to find the strength to overcome their malice if theyre going to make it to the final. They are trying to take on everyone on their own, and not co-operating with the others. If they dont work together, their dream is finished!

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22 - Uma Técnica que Supere a Mão Fantasma!

Raimon Junior High are through to the finals, but theyre all getting nervous about playing the terrifying Zeus Junior High. Endou is convinced hes not good enough, and if that werent enough to rattle nerves, it seems that Kageyama is working on some fiendish plot behind the scenes. Will he sabotage Raimon?

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23 - O Desafio de um Demônio!

As the finals against Zeus draws nearer, so does Raimons anticipation and dread. The team are working hard, but the level they have to reach seems beyond their grasp. Will they get it together in time for the finals?

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24 - O Emocionante Acampamento!

The big game with Zeus is almost on top of them but Endou still hasnt mastered Majin The Hand. Coach Hibiki decides to have everyone spends the night at school at a sleepover training camp. The members of Inazuma Eleven brought a machine with them which was used by Hibiki to master the Majin The Hand which in turn didnt work out for him.

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25 - O Jogo Final!

This is it, the finals of the Nationals has arrived. Zeus Junior High storm to an early lead and nothing Raimon Junior High does has any effect on them. Are they really gods? Or is something else going on? Either way, if Raimon dont turn the game around theyre going to get annihilated!

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26 - Um Deus Contra um Demônio!!

Raimon Junior High are down by three goals and are getting clobbered by the soccer gods of Zeus Junior High.

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27 - A Chegada dos Extraterrestres!

Raimons victory proves to be very short lived, as only a few minutes after their win, the sky falls in. All of a sudden the earth is overrun by aliens! What will Endou and the others do about this out of this world development?

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28 - O Contra-Ataque do Time Raimon!

The Raimon Eleven have stepped up to try and save the world against the soccer players of Aliea Academy, but its like pitting an ant against an elephant. Meanwhile, the president is in danger from the very same threat, and indeed the world itself.

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29 - Derrote! O Time dos Homens de Preto!

The Prime Minister has been kidnapped by aliens, and Endou and the others are determined to help him. The Inazuma Caravan travels to the park where he was kidnapped, ready to beat the aliens off. But wait — who are THESE people? And why do they claim the Raimon Eleven to be aliens?

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30 - A Ameaça do Instituto Alien!

The Raimon Eleven never gives up, and theyre going to try again against Aliea Academy. They go head to head, but the Aliea Academy is too powerful. But in the end, Endou gets seriously injured because of the coachs choice, and one of the team members is asked to leave...

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31 - Em Busca do Artilheiro Lendário!

The news that Gouenji is kicked off the team doesnt go well with most of the Raimon Eleven, especially Someoka. He carries the grudge all the way to Hokkaido with the team, as they search for the mythical ace striker - Fubuki Shirou. On their way to the freezing land of Hokkaido, the mysterious strikers hometown, they came across a stranger freezing in the cold. Who is he and where did this stranger come from?

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32 - Principe dos Campos de Neve!

Raimon finally arrives at Hakuren, but the thing that shocks them is that..... they see the same person they saw the last time, and it was revealed to be Fubuki Shirou. Now, Raimon starts a match with Hakuren, what will happen in this match?

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33 - A Decisão do Artilheiro!

Fubuki is officially part of the Raimon Eleven, but there is still some teamwork to work on. But by showing his teammates a brand new way of practicing (snowboarding), maybe Fubuki can bring them to a new level and bring the team together!

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34 - O Encontro com o Instituto Alien!

Raimon have leveled up through their snowboard training and are ready to face Aliea Academy one more time. But do they have what it takes to beat them? And even if they do, what else do Aliea Academy have in store? Surely not another team..

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35 - O Ataque da Epsilon!

Just when everyone thought the earth had been saved, Aliea Academy attack once more, this time with Epsilon. These guys really mean business, and theyre going to beat up Manyuuji in Kyōto. A new member is entering the team by the help of Haruna? Who is he? Will Raimon be able to help them, or is it too late?

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36 - O poder oculto!

After the crushing defeat of Manyuuji Junior High, Raimon step up to take them on, with Kogure Yuuya helping out on Otonashi Harunas urging. The results are strange and disheartening, but also encouraging in a way. Theyre going to have to do a lot of hard work though!

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37 - O Contra-ataque do Instituto Imperial - 1ª Parte!

Raimon has a new member, Kogure, who plays pranks on them all the time. Still, theyll need all the help they can get, because of a e-mail that Hitomiko received, saying that Kageyama is back, in a huge submarine-based soccer stadium and that he created the Shin Teikoku. Also hes managed to turn two of Kidous old teammates, Sakuma Jirou and Genda Koujirou, against him! To worse the situation, Sakuma brings out a forbiden hissatsu, Koutei Penguin No. 1!

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38 - O Contra-ataque do Instituto Imperial - 2ª Parte!

Raimon are stuck in the middle of a game against True Teikoku Academy, and Kageyama has convinced its players to use any means to win; even if it means the destruction of their minds and bodies. Can Raimon show them the error of their ways before its too late?

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39 - O Ultimo Dragão de Gelo!

Raimon finally comes home to recharge their batteries and to train a whole lot more. They find out that everybodys been training to help them, including some old opponents! But all is not well on the team, the tough training has proved to be too much for one member in particular.

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40 - Ichinose Está em Perigo!

No sooner do they arrive home, and Raimon are back on the road again - this time theyre heading to Ōsaka where its rumored that Aliea Academy have a base. The team doesnt find any aliens there, but they do find a bunch of strange and powerful girls - with a secret!

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41 - A Armadilha de Desalmado!

Raimon find that the CCCs secret training facility under the amusement park is a great place to train, but where did it come from? No time for questions, everyone has to train and train, because Epsilon is almost here again!

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42 - A Terrivel Equipe Epsilon!

The big game against Epsilon is here, and Raimon come out with all their might! Will they be able to fight back the aliens? Meanwhile, Fubuki is having an identity problem that threatens to tear him and the team apart!

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43 - A Tecnica Secreta Suprema do Vovo!

Unexpected news about another notebook of Daisuke sends Raimon to Fukuoka, where they meet one of Daisukes old friends,and someone who might just become Endous apprentice. When the team sees what Tachimukai can do, theyre amazed!

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44 - A Outra Mão Demoniaca!

The exhibition game between Raimon and Yokato Junior High is a knuckle biting affair. Both Endou and Tachimukai are showing off their Goalkeeper moves. When seeing Majin The Hand Tachimukai trys to learn it too. He fails many times, but manages to complete it a few episodes later. Meanwhile theyre being watched - just who IS this Hiroto boy?

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45 - A Equipe mais forte, Genesis!

Hiroto, who is actually Gran, captain of The Genesis - challenge Raimon to a game. It quickly turns into a one-sided match, as Genesis keeps on scoring and none of the Raimon Eleven can even keep up with their movements. Fubuki gets injured while trying to stop Grans shoot, and his past is revealed after the match by Hitomiko. But whats even more shicking is Kazemarus decision to quit the team!

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46 - A Prova do Capitao!

Kazemarus decision to leave the team have left Endou devastated and took away his will to even practice. Nothing anyone says seems to have an effect on him. Kurimatsu, unable to bear seeing his captain like this, and thinking that the fight against Aliea Academy is hopeless, has decided to leave Raimon as well. It seems that Tachimukais never-give-up attitude is the only thing left to remind Endou of who he was.

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47 - O Grande Combate No Mar Do Sul!

The news about the existence of a flame striker sends Raimon to Okinawa hoping that it would be Gouenji Shuuya. But what unexpected things might happen along the way?

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48 - O Goleador de Fogo!

Right after arriving at Okinawa, Raimon starts the search for the flame striker. While searching, Fubuki and Domon run into a player claiming hes the flame striker. After they take him to the team, he introduces himself as Haruya Nagumo and shows them his Hissatsu shot. It seems Nagumo will be a great asset to Raimon, or isnt he?

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49 - Uma Partida com muito Ritmo!

Tsunami reveals to Raimon that he has joined his schools soccer club, and they want to have a game with them. Raimon goes to Oumihara Junior High, and the game begins. They soon realize that even if Oumihara seems quite weird, theyre actually quite good. And how in the world do they manage to steal the ball, as well as evading attacks from Raimon every time?

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50 - O Esperado Punho da Justiça!

The game between Raimon and Oumihara continues, with neither teams pulling back. In the end Raimon wins, but its a narrow victory. Endou also got a clue on how to use the Fist of Justice, but first he needs to learn to surf from Tsunami so he can master the movement needed to use it. Although Endou has some trouble at first, he finally manages to do it, and masters the Fist of Justice. But Raimons rejoice isnt long, as Epsilon has come once again.

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51 - A Nova Epsilon!

Epsilon have powered up to become Epsilon Remastered, and challenge Raimon to battle. But its not just them thats leveled up, Raimon has too. But they still cant break through Desarms techniques, even Fubuki. Desarm, disappointed because Fubuki failed to entertain him, says that he has no need of Fubuki anymore. Fubuki is devastated because hes not needed as Shirō or as Atsuya, and has a breakdown. With him off the field, Raimon can only concentrate on defending. No longer interests in Raimons shoots, Desarm decides to change position with the forward Zel. And to their horror, Desarm gets past their defense easily, and breaks through Fist of Justice easily.

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52 - O Retorno Explosivo!

The match between Raimon and Epsilon Remastered continues its second half. Though they tries their best, Desarm is just too fast and powerful for them. Can Endou figure out the remaining note for the Seigi no Tekken before its too late? Even if he can, how can they win without scoring? And, theres one more surprise for Raimon...

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53 - A Terrivel Pó de Diamante !

Com Goenji de volta a equipe ,A Raimon enfrenta a Pó de Diamante da classe elite do Instituto Alien.

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54 - Aphrodi, Um Aliado Poderoso!

Someone unexpected is here to join Raimon in the middle of the match - Aphrodi! Raimons rival has come to join and fight alongside them! But the old Raimon members except Gouenji and Endou dont trust this player. But when Tsunami gets hold of the ball, things start looking a little better...

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55 - O Novo Desafio de Endo!

Coach Hitomiko decides to remove Endou as goalkeeper, and requests him to become a libero. Following this, Aphrodi will become a forward, and Tachimukai will become Raimons new goalkeeper. This will be the birth of a super-aggressive Raimon Eleven. This led to development of new hissatsu by Endou, Megaton Head. Endou also gives Tachimukai his grandpas ultimate, an incomplete hissatsu, Mugen The Hand that Tachimukai begins practising with the help of Tsunami.

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56 - Uma Visita ao Instituto Imperial!

The Raimon Eleven comes to Teikoku for training, as requested by Kidou. Kidou also requests his former teammates - the Teikoku team to play a friendly against the Raimon with Endou, Kidou and Domon on Teikokus side. Kidou did this because he felt that to master Death Zone, the players had to become a part of Teikoku.

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57 - A Terrivel Equipe Caos!

Prominence and Diamond Dust have combined to become the strongest team in the universe - The Chaos - and they challenge Raimon to a game. This is the first game Raimon plays in their new formation. But with Tachimukai still hasnt mastered Mugen The Hand, and Chaos in complete control of the fired up game, is there no way for Raimon to get the better of them?

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58 - O Vendaval de Fogo!

Thanks to Otomura, Kidou figures out how to stop Chaos rhythm. The flow of the game is totally reversed as Raimon keeps scoring without stopping. Gazel and Burn realize their team members are fighting amongst themselves and decide to use Fire Blizzard to show them that together theyre unbeatable. Also, the Chaos creates an ultimate defense by combining Frozen Steal and Ignite Steal. Aphrodi tries to get past their wall but cannot and instead gets injured and has to leave the team. Despite Aphrodis injuries, Coach Hitomiko doesnt substitute in Rika, leading to Rikas anger on the coach. The game comes to a halt because Gran intervenes. But what does he mean when he refers to Coach Hitomiko as sister?

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59 - Enfim Chegamos ao Instituto Alien!

Raimon demands Coach Hitomiko to explain why Gran called her his sister, among a few other things. She promises to explain everything after they come to Mount Fuji. Everyone is given a night to think about going, and in the end, they all decide to go. But whats waiting for them at Mount Fuji is Aliea Academy itself, a gigantic UFO!

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60 - A Verdadeira Identidade do Instituto Alien!

As Raimon go inside Aliea Academy, its shocking truth is revealed: Aliea Academy are human children whose abilities have been enhanced by the Aliea meteorite.Following this revelation, the battle to decide the worlds fate between Raimon and The Genesis begins!

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61 - Jogo Final Contra a Gênesis - 1ª Parte!

The first half of Raimons match against The Genesis has started. Though, there is still one more problem left in the team, and that problem can only be answered by the person with a problem, Fubuki Shirou. Will Raimon pull-off a victory somehow even with this disadvantage?

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62 - Jogo Final Contra a Gênesis - 2ª Parte!

Genesis has broken through the evolved Mugen The Hand, and takes the lead once more. Angry at Seijirous remark that Raimon is the same as Genesis, Endou furiously tries to prove that hes wrong. Will Raimons power to believe in your friends be enough to defeat Genesis?

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63 - Uma Ameaça Interminável!

Raimon has finally defeated Genesis, and opens up Seijirous eyes. But, in the end, what was the real reason of why Aliea Academy begun?!

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64 - Raimon VS Raimon !

The Raimon Eleven return to Raimon Junior High only to find Ryūichi Kenzaki waiting for them there, along with Raimons old members who left the team due to injuries. Having powered up themselves with the Aliea meteorite, and calling themselves Dark Emperors, they challenge Raimon to a game. With no choice left, Endou agrees. But each one of Dark Emperors has increased their abilities even more than Raimon has imagined. How will they fight against their friends now?

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65 - A Técnica Secreta da Amizade!

Even though they lost 2 points in the first half, Raimon never gives up, and gets back 2 points in the second half. However, things get worse when Dark Emperors start attacking violently. The Raimon Eleven try to block Dark Emperors shots with their own bodies, and fall one after another. Endou switches back to goalkeeper to replace an injured Tachimukai. What can he do to remind their old friends of their soccer?

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66 - A Equipe Mais Forte da História!Um Vendaval Eterno!

Raimons long fight against Aliea Academy is finally over, and everyone is prepared to go home. Fubuki finds Endou in his training place, and the two of them recall their journey from the day Gemini Storm appears to before going to Okinawa. Then Gouenji joins them.

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67 - A Equipe Mais Forte da História!Um Furacão de Fogo!

Gōenji tells Endou and Fubuki about the time when he left Raimon, then they recall their numerous battles against Aliea Academy, training, meeting new friends and enemies. The three of them then promise to have a match between Raimon and Hakuren next time.

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68 - A Seleção do Japão !

The greatest competition in history, the Football Frontier International, is here. Players from around the world have their eyes fixed upon it, aiming for the worlds best. And, of course, so are Japans. Coach Hibiki has gathered many players: some from Raimon, others from their friends and rivals schools, a few are old enemies from Aliea Academy, and some are complete strangers too. Japans twenty-two candidates compete in a selection match to decide its representatives.

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69 - O Nascimento da Seleção Juvenil Japonesa!

The game that will decide who gets to represent Japan is going to start. Throughout the match, the players ferociously appeal themselves to be chosen for the national team. However, regardless of the outcome of the game, its up to the coach to decide which 16 players out of 22 candidates will be chosen for Japans national team, Inazuma Japan. The players are divided into two teams, first team is of Endou and second is of Kidou. Both team players are determined for their best play in the match. There is a huge crowd came to see the match among them are also the candidatess teammates and friends supporting them.

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70 - O Treinador Maldito!

Inazuma Japan has begun their training under Coach Kudou. However, they soon realize that he is one strict coach. They start to worry even more when they know about his past, along with a rumor from back then and then to their shock, Coach Kudou orders them to stop training for the two days before their first game against Australia. Is Coach Kudou really what the rumor says?

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71 - Nosso Desafio Para o Mundo!

No matter what Endou and the others do, Coach Kudou wont let them out of the building they stay at. But for some reason, he lets Toramaru go home. Tsunami successfully snook out when the coach isnt present, but Endou and the others arent so lucky. Meanwhile, a group of people come looking for Tobitaka, and Kudou gave him permission to go out. Endou is so impatient that he starts practicing in his room, and soon all the others do so too. Finally the day of the match come, and Inazuma Japan are quickly overwhelmed by Big Waves Hissatsu tactics: Box Lock Defense. Will they be able to break the defense before the match is over?

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72 - Supere As Grandes Ondas!

The match of Inazuma Japan and Big Waves continues, but with one point in the lead favored to Big waves. Kidou Yuuto finally breaks through the hissatsu Tactic; Box Lock Defense but it seems that the strategy now changes. Will Japan pull through the match? Will Tsunami Jousuke be able to complete his new shoot hissatsu and will Endou Mamoru be able to block the shoot hissatsu; Megalodon?

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73 - Um Adversário Diferente! Os Leões do Deserto

Inazuma Japan next game is against Qatars team, Desert Lion. Everything seems to be fine as the first half ends with Japan takes a two-point lead. But what they dont know is that they have unknowingly fallen into Desert Lions trap!

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74 - O Despertar do Tigre!

As the match keep going, Inazuma Japans players fall for the heat one after another. Even Kidou has to switch out because of an injury. It seems Japans last hope now lies on Toramaru, but can they make it through this match when Toramaru himself refuse to shoot even when he has a the perfect chance?

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75 - Uma Amizade Entre Endo e Tobitaka!

Inazuma Japan are training hard as the Asia finals draw near, and with Toramaru now more assertive, they can finally bring out all of their power, except for Tobitaka. As Captain of Inazuma Japan, Endou is worred about Tobitaka and had a whole bunch of questions swarming in his head. What is Tobitaka hiding? Why can he slow down the speed of the ball? Why are his plays so awkward? Why did Coach Hibiki want him in the team? A telephone from Coach Hibiki called Endou to go to the back of his raimen shop for a training. Why would Coach Hibiki want Endou to go to that kind of spot for training? Mysteries about Tobitaka are revealed in this episode.

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76 - Uma Nova Ameaça! Os Rivais Mais Poderosos!

After their two games, Inazuma Japan has had a good idea of what the world level is like. In order to proceed to the world tournament, theyll need to develop new techniques. Meanwhile, Midorikawa frustrates when he realizes that everyone are improving their power and he isnt, but Hiroto encourages him. However, Inazuma Japan has to overcome another challenge, in the form of Neo Japan - a team made of players from Raimons various rival schools and old enemies - lead by Coach Hitomiko. Neo Japan wants a game, and if they win, theyll replace Inazuma Japan as Japans representatives.

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77 - A Equipe de Kudou Contra a Equipe de Hitomiko

Neo Japan continues to attack aggressively with powered up Hissatsu techniques, and Inazuma Japan cant get past their defense. However, this will only make Endous passion for soccer grows stronger, in turn encourage his teammates more. But will this be enough to take down Neo Japans tough defense?!?

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78 - A Técnica Especial de Fuuyuka!

Even though the Seigi no Tekken had just evolved, Coach Kudou tells Endou that hell never make it to the world tournament the way currently is. Endou thinks that the coach is telling him to learn a new Hissatsu, one that surpasses the Seigi no Tekken. Fuyuka notices a troubled Endou and learns some tips from Rika to help him get ideas.

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88 - It's Complete! My Own Hissatsu Technique!!

Despite Edgars strongest Excalibur, Endou saves the goal thanks to Kabeyamas great efforts. But because of that, he suffers a lot of damage, and is taken out. Someoka goes in to replace him, and scores with his new technique. Then, Knights of Queen decides to use their second Hissatsu tactics, Invincible Lance, protecting Edgar and the ball while making it impossible to approach him. Edgar scores again with another of his technique, and England is in the lead once more. During half time, Endou meets the red cap man again, and he says something that might be an idea for Endous new technique. But first, Japan must find a way to take down Invincible Lance if they dont want to lose more goals.

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89 - Go Beyond Mugen the Hand!

Tachimukai is amazed at Endous new Ijigen The Hand. But this, along with Kogure s remark about Tachimukai copying Endou all the time, makes him determined to create a technique of his own. As a result, Tachimukai throws himself into harsh training.

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