Super Onze (2008)
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O personagem principal, Mamoru Endou (no Brasil Satoru Endo), é um talentoso goleiro e neto de um dos maiores goleiros do Japão Daisuke Endo, que morreu antes de ele nascer. Mesmo que suas habilidades sendo incríveis sua escola carece de um clube de futebol de verdade, porque os 6 outros membros não parecem muito interessados em sua formação. Mas assim que o atacante misterioso Shuya Gouenji muda para escola de Endo, o jovem goleiro pretende encontrar e recrutar membros para sua equipe de futebol. Há cerca de 1000 personagens com habilidades diferentes que irão determinar o sucesso da equipe. Online
Elenco principal

Haruka Tomatsu
Kudou Fuyuka (voice), Nishizono Shinsuke (voice)
Junko Takeuchi
Endou Mamoru (voice)
Hirofumi Nojima
Shuuya Gouenji (voice)
Hiroyuki Yoshino
Yuuto Kidou (voice)
Yuka Terasaki
Matsukaze Tenma (voice)
Takashi Ohara
Tsurugi Kyousuke (voice)
Mitsuki Saiga
Shindou Takuto (voice)Midia
- Posters
- Backdrops
- Videos

1 - Vamos Jogar Bola!
Satoru Endo, neto de um famoso goleiro, tenta formar um time de futebol na escola para enfrentar uma equipe rival.

2 - O Instituto Imperial!
Raimon tem seu primeiro grande desafio: derrotar o Instituto Imperial, que tem jogadores muito velozes. Endo e seus amigos tem que dar o melhor de si mesmos, se querem ganhar a partida.

3 - Uma Nova Técnica Especial!
Someoka está deprimido porque não conseguir fazer um gol. Então começa a prática uma nova técnica para melhorar suas habilidades como jogador. O Instituto Raimon espera um desafio muito especial.

4 - Here Comes the Dragon!
The match against Occult is about to start! But before that, Gouenji joins the team and Someoka is irritated by it. During the match, the members are having trouble deciding which forward to pass to and the team is falling apart. Will they be able to make a comeback in time before the match is over?

5 - Onde Está o Manual Secreto?
Raimon tem a oportunidade de competir no futebol fronteira. Endo e seus amigos descobrem uma lenda, o avô de Endo deixou um livro com técnicas secretas. Quem tenha essas habilidades será invencível.

6 - O Gol Relâmpago!
Começa a primeira partida no torneio futebol fronteira. O time rival de Raimon tem uma habilidade especial, eles pulam muito alto.

7 - O Desafio de Kazenji!
Raimon está com problemas. A escola cinza tem uma estranha estratégia: espia e clona as técnicas dos rivais. Nossos heróis tem apenas uma maneira de ganhar.

8 - O Terrivel Futebol Androide!
Its another big game for Raimon, against the cyborgs of Mikage Sennou.

9 - O Valor de Quatro Olhos!
Gouenji is injured and out of Raimons next game, but their opponents are the weakest team in the whole tournament, so winning shouldnt be a problem. Endou and his team doesnt know much about their next opponent so they go to a maid cafe to know about their team.

10 - O Espião do Instituto Imperial!
Raimon Junior High is looking stronger than ever, but so are the forces against them. But so desperate are their enemies to stop them from succeeding at any cost, they cross the line and unwittingly expose themselves!

11 - Procurem um Novo Treinador!
The big game against Teikoku is only a few days away, but unless Raimon can find a new coach then theyre out without even setting foot on the field! The whole team is looking high and low, will they find one or not?

12 - A Final Contra o Instituto Imperial - 1ª parte!
Raimon arrive at Teikoku Academy for the biggest game of their lives, but before they can begin they have to dispel the cloud of suspicion hanging over the place. Kageyama has set some kind of trap, he has secretly losen the roof of the stadium but Kidou knows it. He tells it to Endou who believes him and gets his team safe when the match starts. Raimon thanks Kidou for his help and they play the finals in a fair manner. Will Endou and his team will be able to win this match?

13 - A Final Contra o Instituto Imperial - 2ª parte!
With Kageyama safely shut away, the game against Teikoku has properly begun, and its a real game this time. Whoever wins this comes out on top. But with the story about Kidou and Haruna in his head, will Endou hesitate on winning the game?

14 - Os Lendários Super Onze!
Raimon still cant believe they beat Teikoku and are the new District Champion. After the celebratory dust settles, a mysterious figure walks into Hibikis ramen bar. Is he really from the legendary Inazuma Eleven? Coach Hibiki decides to revive back the legendary Inazuma Eleven and calls for a practice match between The Inazuma Eleven and the Raimon Junior High. There the Inazuma Eleven shows the Raimon Junior High some new hissatu techniques and Raimon were able to perfect the Honoo no Kazamidori.

15 - O Campeonato Nacional!!
Raimon have set their sights on the Nationals Tournament and theyre determined to win it. Theyre working hard to get there, but there are lots of obstacles - first theres the threat to their precious clubhouse but Endou is able to save it. Secondly, there is a possibility that Kazemaru might leave the team after meeting up once more Miyasaka Ryou and his other friends of Raimons Atheletics Club. Will his passion for soccer make him remain in the team?

16 - Derrote o Futebol Ninja!!
With Kazemaru still on the team, for now, Raimon can move forward and concentrate on the Nationals. And theyll need to - their first game is against the speedy Sengoku Igajima Junior High. If they dont win this, the dream is over before its even begun!

17 - A Decisão de Kido!
The narrow victory over Sengoku Igajima has given Raimon confidence, but on the other side of the tournament, everyone is shock at Teikokus complete defeat at the hands of Zeus Junior High, which is 10-0.What should Kidou do? If Raimon wants to beat them, theyll need to train even harder, and maybe even recruit new members!

18 - Destruam Esse Muro de Aço!
With their firepower boosted by the addition of Kidou Yuuto, the team are ready to tackle Senbayama Junior High and their unbreakable defense. But unless they get their pass coordinated, all their hard work will come to nothing! Will they able to break the iron defense?

19 - A Volta de um Jogador Talentoso!
Ichinose Kazuya is back! Like a phoenix he has risen from the ashes and come back to visit his old friends. Just in time too, Raimon is desperate for some new moves, and the Tri-Pegasus is just what they need. But can they perfect it in time?

20 - A Técnica Especial Triangulo Z!
Raimon are getting ready to play their next big opponent - Kidokawa Seishuu , which just happens to be Gouenjis old school. Certain members of that team still carry a grudge against him and will stop at nothing to get their revenge. This results into a practice match with the Mukata triplets vs. Endou. Unfortunately, Endou doesnt stand a chance against Triangle Z ! Will Raimon lose at this rate?

88 - It's Complete! My Own Hissatsu Technique!!
Despite Edgars strongest Excalibur, Endou saves the goal thanks to Kabeyamas great efforts. But because of that, he suffers a lot of damage, and is taken out. Someoka goes in to replace him, and scores with his new technique. Then, Knights of Queen decides to use their second Hissatsu tactics, Invincible Lance, protecting Edgar and the ball while making it impossible to approach him. Edgar scores again with another of his technique, and England is in the lead once more. During half time, Endou meets the red cap man again, and he says something that might be an idea for Endous new technique. But first, Japan must find a way to take down Invincible Lance if they dont want to lose more goals.

89 - Go Beyond Mugen the Hand!
Tachimukai is amazed at Endous new Ijigen The Hand. But this, along with Kogure s remark about Tachimukai copying Endou all the time, makes him determined to create a technique of his own. As a result, Tachimukai throws himself into harsh training.
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