World Destruction

World Destruction (2008)

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World Destruction nos mostra um mundo decadente, onde a humanidade foi subjugada por todas as outras raças ali existentes, e limitada a pequenos vilarejos. Neste contexto, surge o ”Comitê de Destruição do Mundo“, pequena facção muito temida que busca uma forma definitiva e eficaz de destruir o mundo. Diante da ameaça real, o ”Comitê de Salvação do Mundo“ é criado para impedir os planos de aniquilação global. Kirie, um jovem humano que leva uma vida medíocre e desinteressante em um vilarejo, dá pouca importância para qualquer que seja o resultado desse embate, e não tem nenhuma aspiração, ânimo ou motivo especial para viver ou sonhar em desejar uma vida diferente ou melhor do que a que tem agora. Até que, sem querer, acaba encontrando Morte, uma bela e jovem guerreira humana, muito habilidosa, líder do ”Comitê de Destruição do Mundo“ e dona do ”código da destruição“, uma pequena arma misteriosa e extremamente poderosa capaz de destruir completamente o mundo mas que, entretanto, nunca encontrou alguém que pudesse ser capaz de usá-la. Online

  • Episódios
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Maaya Sakamoto

Maaya Sakamoto

Morte Ashela
Mamoru Miyano

Mamoru Miyano

Kylie Ilnis
Daisuke Ono

Daisuke Ono

Naja Gurefu
Hiroyuki Yoshino

Hiroyuki Yoshino

Agan Mādoru
Yu Kobayashi

Yu Kobayashi

Lia Dragonell
Akeno Watanabe

Akeno Watanabe

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World Destruction11

1 - There Are Two Kinds of Heroes

Kyrie joins World Destruction Committee member Morte as she escapes the World Salvation Committee. The village in which they take refuge needs a human sacrifice for its beastman ruler; Taupy agrees to rescue the victim.

World Destruction12

2 - There Are Two Kinds of Worlds

Kyrie, Morte, and Taupy are rescued from the Sand Sea by a smuggler and dropped off at a casino ship, where they encounter World Salvation Committee agents Nadja and Lia.

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3 - There Are Two Kinds of Beastmen

Beastmen capture Kyrie, Morte, and Taupy and imprison them in a labor camp. An escape attempt doesnt go according to plan.

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4 - There Are Two Kinds of Humans

After traveling to the Spring Continent, Kyrie accidentally breaks a branch off a cherry tree that local legend says is cursed.

World Destruction15

5 - There Are Two Kinds of Men

Kyrie and Morte are kidnapped and forced to fight as gladiators. While searching for them Taupy encounters a member of his clan.

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6 - There Are Two Kinds of Summers

The World Destruction Committee seeks refuge from the Summer Continents oppressive heat at a charity hospital where humans and beastmen appear to live in harmony. The hospital director arouses Mortes suspicion.

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7 - There Are Two Kinds of Companions

An innkeeper tells Kyrie, Morte, and Taupy that the World Destruction Committee has been robbing antique stores and committing eat-and-runs throughout the area.

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8 - There Are Two Kinds of Smugglers

Trapped with a bomb on a submerged subarenine, the World Destruction Committee and World Salvation Committee must work together or perish at the bottom of the Sand Sea.

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9 - There Are Two Kinds of Autumns

On the Autumn Continent, the World Destruction Committee rests in a town where beastmen and humans coexist. Morte follows a boy who reminds her of her slain brother while Kyrie investigates the Destruct Code.

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10 - There Are 108 Laws of Clockwork Robotics

In Clock Town, the Alligator Master covets the power of the Destruct Code and schemes to capture the World Destruction Committee while obstructing the World Salvation Committee.

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11 - There Are Two Kinds of Power

Alligator Master manipulates Lia to leave Nadja behind and hunt Morte on the Winter Continent, creating an opportunity for him to seize the Destruct Code.

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12 - There Are Two Kinds of Pasts

A cave where people relive their memories threatens to lull the World Destruction Committee to their deaths.

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13 - There Are Two Kinds of Futures

The Eagle Master and World Destruction Committee battle for control of the Destruct Code, but only the Alligator Master knows the truth about a weapon powerful enough to destroy the world.

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