MS Estonia: Tragédia em Alto Mar
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MS Estonia: Tragédia em Alto Mar (2020)

MS Estonia: Tragédia em Alto Mar Assista Todos os Episodios Online, Assistir MS Estonia: Tragédia em Alto Mar Completo, Assistir Online
{"pt-BR":"A história do pior desastre envolvendo meios de transporte na Europa desde a Segunda Guerra: em 1994 a balsa "MS Estonia", uma propriedade da Estônia, afundou em uma tragédia que matou 852 pessoas. Os sobreviventes conseguiram escapar do naufrágio, mesmo depois de o navio ter sucumbido à força da água, e ainda hoje buscam justiça. A produção analisa o que levou a balsa à catástrofe.","en-US":"In 1994, M/S Estonia sinks during its route from Tallinn to Stockholm. 852 people sink with the ship. For 26 years, survivors and relatives to the victims have asked one question: what truly happened to Estonia?","es-ES":"En 1994, M/S Estonia se hunde durante su ruta de Tallin a Estocolmo. 852 personas se hunden con el barco. Durante 26 años, los supervivientes y los familiares de las víctimas se han planteado una pregunta: ¿qué le sucedió realmente a Estonia?"} Online

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Lars Borgnäs

Lars Borgnäs

Henrik Evertsson

Henrik Evertsson

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MS Estonia: Tragédia em Alto Mar11

1 - The Shipwreck

On the night of September 28th 1994, the ferry M/S Estonia sinks in the middle of the Baltic Sea. The ship has reached the seabed less than an hour after the first warning signs. The survivors tell about their battle for survival. Their stories turn out to be valuable for the investigation.

MS Estonia: Tragédia em Alto Mar12

2 - Everyone Must Be Saved

The unspeakable disaster shocks the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea. Over 700 of the deceased are left inside the wreckage and heads of state promise that the bodies of the families loved ones will be returned to them. But relatives soon become worried, when the government seems unwilling to fulfil their promise.

MS Estonia: Tragédia em Alto Mar13

3 - Something is wrong

Estonia sank in less than an hour. A boat of its size has never sunken so quickly before without being sabotaged. The official investigative report tells a different story from how the survivors remember the events of the night.

MS Estonia: Tragédia em Alto Mar14

4 - The Secrets on the Bottom of the Sea

After the Cold War, Estonia is opened to the world. W3estern secret services begin their hunt for military secrets in the east and the Estonia line becomes a part of the game. What was tucked away among the cargo within Estonia the night it sank?

MS Estonia: Tragédia em Alto Mar15

5 - The Dive

26 years later, relatives and survivors are still fighting for answers. A German ship joins the documentary team at the wreckage and performs the first divings there since 2001. Will they find the answer to the mystery of the M/S Estonia?

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