The Newsreader (2021)
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Série da ABC australiana, “The Newsreader” entra na turbulenta redação de um jornal no ano de 1986, quando o Cometa Halley era algo obrigatório a ser visto; a crise da AIDS estava se espalhando; a explosão do ônibus espacial Challenger chocou o mundo; e a eclosão do acidente nuclear de Chernobyl. No meio disso tudo, a âncora de notícias, Helen Norville (Anna Torv) está determinada a construir sua credibilidade, enquanto seu colega, Dale Jennings (Sam Reid), está desesperado para se tornar um âncora. Com suas ambições, ambos iniciam uma improvável amizade e buscam, de toda maneira, transformar o tecido do boletim noturno de notícias. Online
Elenco principal

Sam Reid
Dale Jennings
Robert Taylor
Geoff Walters
William McInnes
Lindsay Cunningham
Michelle Lim Davidson
Chum Ehelepola
Stephen Peacocke
Rob RickardsMidia
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1 - Three, Two, One…
In 1986, the cutthroat world of commercial television news throws ambitious reporter Dale and newsreader Helen together.

2 - Once in a Lifetime
Helen and Dales new alliance has become the talk of the office as they cover the much-hyped return of Halleys Comet. The closer Dale draws to Helen, the more he finds himself thrust into the spotlight.

3 - The White Marquis Matinee Jacket
When news breaks of Lindy Chamberlains imminent release from prison, Helen, Dale and cameraman Tim fly to Darwin. But theyll face fierce competition as they fight to land the interview of the century.

4 - A Step Closer to the Madness
Helen is deeply apprehensive about meeting Dales mother, while Dale gets lumbered with Royal Wedding puff pieces. But their everyday concerns are thrown aside when a bomb goes off on Russell Street.

5 - No More Lies
Dales career and his relationship with Helen couldnt be going any better, until his prized interview with an HIV-positive mother goes horribly wrong. In the eye of a media storm, buried secrets come to light.

6 - Meltdown
While Helen is still reeling after Dales revelation, reports emerge of a nuclear accident in Chernobyl. In the face of great fear and uncertainty, the pair must confront who they really are to each other, and to themselves.
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